Monday, September 21, 2009

The Kitten and the Pea

Remember The Princess and the Pea fairy tale? At my house that has now morphed into The Kitten and the Pea for the following (obvious) reason:Brady on a stack of clean dog blankets

There's a chair under there someplace. Cats are SUCH hedonists! Or as Margaret Benson said, "The cat is above all things, a dramatist."

And here's the sweetness I awoke to this morning. Th two brothers - by love, not blood.

Brady and Kramer cuddling at my feet

Meanwhile, His Grace, Big, sprawls across the entire width of the bed. Hey, I don't call him "Big" for nuthin'!

Note the "normal sized" cat on the far right (click for much larger look)

Isn't furry love just the best?

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